Präsenz-Veranstaltung in deutscher und z.T. englischer Sprache

11.03.2025, 17:00 – 19:30 h

Ort: Strozzigasse 32-34 / Stiege 2 (Rückgebäude) / Top 7, 1080 Wien


Ian Murphy

Event description:

Resilience is the ability to adapt and grow stronger in response to stress and difficulty – an essential skill for navigating life’s challenges. It is critical to cultivate this skill at an early age, and in order to become resilient, children and youth need some support. Teachers and parents can help them to build resilience through love, compassion, and encouragement in many ways.

This Themenabend will explore the science of resilience, focusing on practical tools to strengthen our own resilience and enhance our ability to help others. We will focus specifically on the role of nature, art, and creativity in building resilience. Crucial questions of the input and the group activities will be:

  • How can engaging with art and creativity allow us to bounce back from stressful events and become stronger?
  • What role does nature play in professional formats of enhancing mental and physical health?
  • Can a synergy of art and nature amplify their benefits?


About the speaker:

Ian Murphy is a researcher in Public Health and Health Promotion. His efforts focus on the mechanisms of skill-building and the importance of aesthetic experiences. Before moving to Vienna, he worked as a community health researcher in academic and non-profit settings in the US. He taught social-emotional learning, neuroscience, and music at an elementary school in Ohio.

Building on his initiatives in education and community engagement, he now studies how nature and creative processes enhance human well-being. He aims to communicate practical, actionable tools which facilitate health and deepen our ability to engage with life.